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Share some CCNP Collaboration 300-080 exam questions and answers below. You are troubleshooting video quality issues on a Cisco TelePresence TX9000 Series system. Which CLI command shows the total number of lost video packets and the received jitter during a call in progress? A. show call statistics video B. show call statistics all C. show call statistics detail D. show call statistics video detail Answer: D
Of the following persistent settings for Cisco TMS-controlled endpoints, TMS overwrites these settings if which five of them are altered on the endpoint? (Choose five.) A. H.323 ID B. Configuration Template C. SIP URI D. Active Cisco Unified Communications Manager Address E. System Name F. System Contact G. E.164 alias H. IEEE 802.1x Authentication Password Answer: A,B,C,E,G
Which two issues can prevent an IP Phone from receiving an IP address via DHCP? (Choose two.) A. The DHCP server is not on the same VLAN as the phone. B. The DHCP scope's leases are exhausted. C. DHCP Option 150 is incorrect. D. The TFTP server is not reachable. E. The DHCP scope is not defined for the subnet of the phone. Answer: A,B
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