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Share some CCDA 200-310 exam questions and answers below. Which type of structure consists of the addressing, routing protocols, QoS, and security components? A. logical B. physical C. layered D. virtual Answer: A
Which two Cisco products can be used in a data center to support OTV technology? (Choose two.) A. Cisco Nexus 5500 Series Switches B. Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switches C. Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers D. Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers E. Cisco Nexus 3000 Series Switches Answer: B,C
Which option can use deep-packet examination to determine the specific nature of an attack? A. network IPS B. NetFlow collector C. stateful firewall D. syslog server Answer: A
Passtcert can provide the quickly passing Cisco CCDA 200-310 pdf dumps for you, which enable you to grasp the knowledge of the certification exam within a short period of time, and pass Cisco certification 200-310 exam for only one-time.Passtcert have a huge senior IT expert team. They use their professional IT knowledge and rich experience to develop a wide range of different training plans which can help you pass Cisco certification 200-310 exam successfully.
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