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Share some ACIS 7750X exam questions and answers below. With respect to IP Office Contact Center Release 9.1.6 and above, which three parameters are not contained in the import excel spreadsheet and must be configured in the User Interface after the import? (Choose three.) A. Profiles B. Hold duration time for last agent functionality C. System holidays D. Topic block times E. Custom specific announcements Answer: B,C,E
Which three preconditions must be met to import the configuration data in the IP Office Contact Center? (Choose three.) A. The database must beempty B. The watchdog need to be running C. The license file must be installed first D. The postgres database need to be running Answer: A,B,C
When a software component stops working, which IPOCC component tries to get it going again? A. IP Office B. Watchdog C. Chap D. Kernel Answer: B
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